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Yahovah, the Jealous god of Disaster

The name for the primary Elohim in the Torah and Old Testament in general is Yahovah (not Jehovah, as J was only just invented approximately 400 years ago.) He is the primary deity in the OT but that doesn't mean he is the primary deity, overall. There are multiple Elohim, as the word can be used singularly or in plural, hence "made man in OUR image." But I digress, as that's not what this is about. This is about the Elohim named Yahovah.

There are two Phoenician root words for Yahovah. The first is Yah, which means god, and the second is Hovah, which is the Phoenician root word #1943. You could say the Hebrew word #1943 but the Hebrews never actually had their own language, but, again, I digress. Root word #1943, Hovah, is a word that can mean a variety of things, none of which are good, such as: disaster, mischief, ruin, and/or fallen. Furthermore, the root word #1943 is feminine in nature, which helps explain why Genesis is also made up of two root words which stand for Genes and Isis, or Genes of Isis. But, once again, I digress.

The point I'm trying to make, before I ramble on too much, is that Yahovah stands for: god of mischief, god of ruin, god of disaster, and/or god of [the] fallen. Yahovah doesn't even show up in the Bible until Genesis 2:4, which is precisely around the time that all hell starts to break loose on earth. Whether this is true realistically or mythologically isn't important because many base their reality off the mythos of Yahovah, and of Yahovah being the father of Jesus, or Iesous (again the J is newer to language than the original writings. This is incorrect, as stated by Jesus himself, and in the gnostic writings, which the original Christians were gnostics and then the Romans realized they were losing the social-sphere to the Christians so they decided if you can't beat them, join them.

At that point they started burning the original Christian teachings and murdering those who wouldn't convert to their updated sadistic version that we refer to as Catholicism, which was WAY more murderous and brutal than even some of the more extreme versions of Islam is today. Much of the gospels were rewritten to include a more government friendly and rule-based version of their original counterparts, leaving much of it the same (maybe, say, 70/30) but hijacking it with pagan and ultimately Satanic customs. After all, Catholicism is nothing more than ritualistic Satanism with a fake, bloodied version of Jesus on the cover. The Roman statues of Zeus/Jupiter were rededicated to St. Peter, and the statues of Aphrodite/Venus/Ishtar/Lucifer were renamed Mary, often times, in the day, still holding onto the Aphrodite name by having it named Aphrodite-Mary.

Much later on, in 1945, some Gnostic teachings called the Nag Hammadi--named after the location in which they were found--were dug up in Egypt, giving insight to the teachings that were assumed to be lost forever in the early centuries during the Roman burnings of the original texts. In these Gnostic gospels they told a much different story about who Jesus' Heavenly Father is, and who Yahovah, or Yaldaboath or the Demiurge, as they call him, is to Jesus.

Unfortunately, since 1945, the slight reemergence of Gnosticism has been co-opted, as early Christianity was, by Satanic/Luciferain doctrine, giving legitimate creedance to those who claim that Gnosticism is a false and Satanic belief system. Overall, now, that stands mostly true, as the original teachings have been basically blended with the original message and the Rosicrucian message, which is the Luciferian message that the upper echelons of Freemasonry and other elite-run secret societies subscribe to. Together, these societies make up what we would refer to today as the Illuminati.

With all that said, though Christianity and Gnoticism have been taken over and pretty much completely perverted from the original intent, the Gnostic writings can still be read today in their non-altered form, which is more than what can be said for the New Testament, which is still largely true, though the teachings of Paul--which is over 50% of the NT--are false to the canon. The writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, James are mostly the same, though, pagan concepts have been added in and their order has been shaken up as to hide the validity of the Paul doctrines. Basically, you need to know what the truth is before reading the scriptures, and not take them as the 100% truth.

Before I end this I'll give an example of what I mean by that last sentence. Lets take communion. The tradition of communion is not something that was started with Christianity. Before Christianity was big in and around Rome, the church of Mithras was the "in" thing. Mithras is another name for one of the Satans (yes, there is more than one, as stated several times in the book of Enoch and Jasher and Jubilees.) Mithras is another name for Apollo, or Apollyon or Abaddon, as Revelation calls him--the destroyer from the bottomless pit--the same bottomless pit that CERN is trying to access. In Mithraism, and in ritualistic Satanism, the drinking of blood, or what Christians call communion, is a common practice. And while Jesus clearly says all you need is the spirit to find the father and to be baptised, meaning to wash yourself of sin and vow to change your poor behavior, then in another breath he states that you must drink his blood and eat his flesh, a common and ancient Satanic practice.

So hopefully I've given some food for thought. There are many, many more example I could give on all of this, so much so that I'm sure some day I'll write a thick tome or series of books on all of this, God-willing. So if you have any insights, input, or questions, please feel free to ask by sending me a message on any one of the sites or links listed on my website. I'd love to hear from you. Thank you, and take care.

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