My Light

What a beauty to behold
What a beauty to posses
What a beauty to have squandered
What a beauty, what a mess
Sent to promote the brightness
So in darkness we won’t forget
Within such pain, so unrelenting
An angel’s soul was set
Freed from your heavy burden
Yet our weighted hearts regret
What beauty to have squandered
For every second was a gift
May our fractal beauties combine
Combine to make a whole
For fragmented divinity must come together
To equal such a soul
Say goodbye to the fleshy prison
Yet in our hearts remain
Let go not the lessons
So his coming was not in vain
Farewell, my son, my rock, my friend
Your beauty now lies within
For it was you who was my mentor
Now my trials must begin
You paved the path to Truth
In your footsteps I must follow
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
You are the light at the end of my tunnel