Hmm. I'm not really sure where to start this. I have a 5-page blog, I've yet to post, dealing with the more macro areas of the subject of Abrahamic religions, but I wanted to put this down while its still fresh on my mind. Let me just begin making a few bold declarations and then I’ll follow them up with the details.
The Statue of Liberty is Lucifer. Also, at least a good percent of our politicians worship Lucifer—knowingly or not, I’m unsure. And finally, as I cover in part of the other blog, Catholicism is also at least part Lucifer worship. I know that probably sounds ridiculous upfront, maybe even insane, but please hear me out.
I’m assuming that almost anyone who reads this won’t be familiar with the name-lineage of the ‘gods,’ so I’ll give as brief a walkthrough on the ‘god,’ whom Lucifer is only one name of many. First of all, as I’ve indirectly already established, yes, Lucifer is a woman. Lucifer is another name for “morning star.” So depending on the translation, you will either find “Lucifer” or “morning star” found in the only verse where Lucifer is mentioned in the Bible, in Isaiah. Now let me head off the questions about “he” and “man” used in the verses following. I believe they are either intentionally misleading, or branching off the use of the word “son,” after “morning star,” which should be “sun” with a U and not an O.
Isaiah 14:12: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son (sun) of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Again, remember, Lucifer is interchangeable with morning star—star, as in sun. Now, it is common knowledge that the term “morning star” is antiquated with the Planet Venus, which has been referred to as such for thousands of years, and which is named after the Roman goddess, Venus. Venus may have been her name for the Romans, but she has had MANY names, as has most of the pantheon of lowercase G ‘gods.’ In Greek mythology alone, she is mixed up as about four to six goddesses, some of the most recognizable being Athena, Persephone, Minerva and Aphrodite. In earlier traditions she is known as Inanna in Sumer, and her most well know name is Ishtar (Easter) in Babylonian.
Somehow, there are always stark differences, a series of hypocrisies, in the description of this goddess. She is somehow the goddess of fertility and love and kindness, the purest virgin, yet also of war and promiscuity and vengeance, and known to use sex as a means of manipulation. I wanted to leave this next part out, but I think I should touch on it briefly. Inanna had a twin sister, Erekegal, whom was queen of the underworld. Somewhere, earlier on, Inanna goes from this pure and sweet goddess to being an awful harlot, prostitute. In one of the Sumerian tales, Inanna went down to visit Erekegal in the underworld and was slain by her sister. Now it isn’t written anywhere—at least not translated—but I believe that it only makes sense that Erekegal took her sweet sister’s place to be able to leave the awful underworld to which she was condemned, which only makes sense when taking her radical changes in behavior into account. I should point out that I am unsure where or which iterations are the evil ones and which are benign, though the Greek broke them up by assigning different names for different attributes. But most cultures didn’t. I am pretty sure, though, that Inanna is wholly synonymous with the good, earlier account, and by the time she was referred to as Ishtar, she was then forth known entirely for her sinister ways—the Whore of Babylon.
One of her well-known titles was “Queen of Heaven.” I’ll get back to this, as its important. As Ishtar, Minerva and Athena, she is shown with the owl as her animal symbol.
Athena (Above,) Minerva (Below)
Okay, so, Ishtar is the Morning Star; and the morning star is Lucifer. Ishtar is associated with owls, as seen in the photos. Why is this important? Bohemian Grove. There is only one video ever taken from Bohemian Grove, where Freemasons—many of which are powerful politicians, including presidents’ (like Nixon, and Bush Sr. & Jr., for instance,) who have been spotted at Bohemian Grove—go for two and a half weeks every summer. I’m not going to make the connection here, as it is pretty well established that Freemasonry is often linked with Satanism. And every single one of the U.S. presidents have been affiliated with the Freemasons, whether through the Freemasons themselves, or through an organization with ties to the Freemasons such as Skull & Bones. This video is of a Freemason ritual performed at the Bohemian Grove—and this is just one night, so god only knows what else goes on there over the course of the other 2.5 weeks.
As you can see, they are clearly performing a sacrificial ritual to a large owl idol. There is a wide misconception that this is a ritual to Moloch, but that is completely untrue, as Moloch is associated as a large bull statue, so I’m unsure how that misinterpretation ever came about. I happen to know who Moloch is, but that is a subject for another time. Point is: the Freemasons are making their sacrifices to an owl. Henceforth, they are making sacrifices to Ishtar, to Lucifer.
Moloch and Owel idol in question, side-by-side:

If you care to know a little more, here is a brief but concise video explanation:
Now I’ll discuss the Statue of Liberty. This one is actually easy if you’ve done a little research and know how to pick through what tends to be hidden in plain sight. First off, the Statue of Liberty is of the goddess Columbia, whom is merely yet another renaming of Ishtar. All the old Sumerian region gods took on many names. I’m not totally sure why that is, but it is common knowledge. One of the lesser reasons is just difference in language, in pronunciation and word variation. Anyways, the Frenchman, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, was the creator of Lady Liberty, who also happened to be a known high-level Freemason. Second, you needn’t look any farther with the Statue of Liberty than to compare it with an earlier named version of the same goddess, Minerva—also Ishtar—whom can be seen holding a torch symbolizing enlightenment, also with a crown upon her head, as seen here:
As I touch on in my other blog, Ishtar is linked with child sacrifice, which I guess I’ll use as my ‘in’ to switch gears to Catholicism. The Catholics integrated Easter from a pagan holiday. Some of this may seem accidental at first, but I’ll display how it isn’t. During the holiday of Easter, of Ishtar, priests would impregnate virgins through rape. The next year, they’d take the then 3-month-old babies and sacrifice them to Ishtar. Then they’d roll eggs in the sacrificial blood, ‘dying’ them (there is a link with Ishtar and a capsule fallen from the heavens in the shape of an egg, discussed in my other blog.) They’d also rape the next batch of virgins to continue the cycle for the following year.
Now, I recently very lightly researched this next part, so I’m not totally sure of its validity, but it makes some sense considering the rest of this topic. I read from a non-official source that the 1970s ruling on abortion law was stated to have to do with liberty, and was listed in such a way that liberty could be referring explicitly to Lady Liberty, as in child sacrifice to Ishtar. Totally grain of salt stuff, but I’m going to look into it farther. Again, when mixed with the rest of this, it doesn’t seem like that much of a stress. But I digress.
Remember when I brought up the Queen of Heaven bit a while back. Well, in 1969, Pope Paul VI declared Mary as the Queen of Heaven. Now why is this important and not just some mix-up or accidental coincidence that I’m blowing way out of proportion? Well, the Catholic Church has done the work for me, when they’ve openly declared Jesus as the son of Lucifer over the last two Easters/Ishtar, singing it openly in Latin before Vatican congregations.
Don’t believe me?
I’m unsure of the validity, but I also implore you to do your own looking in to Project Lucifer, which is supposedly an astrological project being taken on by the Vatican. Also, while you’re at it, have a look a one of the Vatican’s newer statues, called The Resurrection.
Project Lucifer (Video): The Resurrection (Image):

Notice the color of the robes they’re wearing? Those are the colors of the cult of Saturn, as in Saturday, as in Saturn’s day, as in the Sabbath of the wretched god (notice my intentional lower case g, there) of the Old Testament. Jehovah of the Old Testament is the grandfather of Ishtar. But, again, I’ve posted all that in the other blog, so I’ll leave those details there.
Perhaps I’ve forgotten a thing or two that were key, and if so, I’ll come back and add them in. But, to reiterate: The upper echelon of our power structure worships Lucifer, through Freemasonry. Catholics worship Lucifer, through the Vatican. And the big ass symbol standing at the head of the United States is a big old idol of Lucifer herself.
And if you think that’s mind-blowing, this is only the tip of the iceberg.